To be eligible for consideration, applications must be fully completed, including essay portion.
Lorain County Community College is proud to announce the availability of the Kent and Trudy Sutton Memorial Fund. This Non-Traditional Student Incentive Award is intended to support Lorain County Community College/University Partnership students. The purpose is to support non-traditional students with a preference for those who have been displaced within the workforce and are enrolling at LCCC to increase their employability by obtaining a degree or certificate in order to improve their lives through higher education. Allowable expenditures include scholarship support, books, fees and certification fees.
University Partnership Students: In your Universal Application, you must attach your most recent transcripts and proof of enrollment in the UP Institution for the semester of the scholarship. LCCC students’ status can be accessed by LCCC’s Student Financial Aid; therefore, they are exempt of having to show proof of enrollment and transcripts.
Application Deadline: 7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM
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