Lorain County Community College is proud to announce the availability of the Margaret C. Bauer Memorial Scholarship. This award is intended to support full or part-time Lorain County Community College students who are single mothers. Applicants must be employed (full or part-time) and preference will be given to those with a GPA of 3.0 or better. To be considered for this scholarship, applicant must be enrolled in the upcoming semester's classes in a program leading to a degree or certificate by the application due date.
About Margaret C. Bauer
Margaret was born in 1947, the eldest of five children. She grew up in Maine and relocated to Ohio after she married. She was always fun-loving and independent. She had three children for whom she was an inspiration.
After her marriage ended, she raised her three children mostly on her own. This required hard work and long hours at often multiple jobs. Money was always tight and getting ahead turned out to be an elusive goal.
Nevertheless, her hard work inspired her children to strive to succeed in life. She died at the very young age of 49 of an illness that may not have taken her life if she had health insurance and was able to visit a doctor without fear of the cost. Her family established the scholarship in memory of her to help women who are struggling to make a better life for themselves and their children.